Monday, November 25, 2013

Alzheimer's Research

Learned on CBN today, that only 500 million dollars is spent on Alzheimer's research a year, why, because they think it is just an 'old timers' thing.  Not, it is a terrible, terrible disease and there needs to be a cure for it.  Our Father died from it and it is not something I want anybody to have to go through.

Anyway, to make your brain stay healthy they said to stay away from sugars, carbs that turn into sugar, and definitely so trans fat, although the brain needs fat like nuts, salmon, omega oil and so on.  The really interesting suggestion found through research was that coconut oil is very, very good for you.  They said to take 2 tbsp. a day, one in morning and one at night, definitely going to try that!

A lot of exercise, working your brain with word games, reading, etc., basically just stay active in all areas of your body!  So check out CBN on this date, or watch CBN daily, you could learn something!!!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Joel Osteen

Daily Readings fromYour Best Life Now by Joel Osteen - this book will bring you encouragement, inspire you and suggest how to live the best life that you can!  It is a great book!! A person needs to read it over and over again, I am on my third time!  A Christian or not, you will definitely benefit from this book, one of his best!  You can order a used book on Amazon for $4 or $5 dollars.  If you would like one and cannot afford one, just contact us and we will send you one, it's the best!!!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Mother Goose Club

If there are any parents or grandparents out there reading our blog, check out this website, it is great!!!

Monday, February 4, 2013

The Big Pink Bus

If you live in Central Texas, you might want to know about this life saving information.  Seton's newest mobil mammography unit, The Big Pink Bus, provides women, including those with limited or no insurance, access to advanced breast cancer screening technology.

My cousin, who has no insurance, experienced The Big Pink Bus, and highly recommends it!  She was worried that if they had discovered something, would she be able to afford the follow up?  She was told that Seton covers all costs if cancer is found.

If you would like to see if you qualify for a free mammogram and to find out where the bus will be
in your community, call 512-324-1199!  Website is  Caught early will save your life!