Monday, July 14, 2014

Just Dance!!!

Thought you all should know this little bit of information I read the other day, so true!  Maybe it is because I love to dance and want everyone to experience the enjoyment of dancing and that it is reelee good for you!

Why Dance?

The Art of Dancing is often described as a magical and transforming experience.  Dancing has the unique ability to lift the spirit and reveal hidden creativity.  Through the use of song and Dance, sadness can quickly be transformed into joy!  There are physical benefits to Dancing as well.  It has been proven that a Dance that requires you to remember various dance steps and sequences boosts brain power by improving memory skills.  Dancing can also burn just as many calories as other forms of exercise such as walking, jogging or lifting weights.

Dancing can help to:

Strenthen the mind and body
Tone muscles
Improve your mental outlook
Increase your stamina and flexibility
Reduce stress and tension
Build confidence
Provide opportunities to meet people

So, Just Dance!!!