Thursday, September 21, 2017

                                                       "Put your HOPE in the right things,
                                        live in JOY regardless of difficult circumstances and
                                               stay in PEACE as you follow God's direction."

I found this uplifting mini book collection called "Gifts of God" by Joel Osteen, just love what it says in all of these three collections of Hope, Joy, and Peace!!!

Saturday, September 16, 2017


Proverbs 3:6
"Seek His will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take."

"What does it mean to seek God's will?  It simply means before you make a decision, pray and ask God for direction.  Then be sensitive and listen to your spirit.  If you have peace, then move forward, knowing God is guiding you down a good path.  But if there's an unrest or uneasiness, don't override those feelings.  If you will seek God, He will protect you.  He will help you avoid trouble and go from good decisions to great ones.  It's when we ignore these inner feelings that we can get ourselves into trouble.  As you listen to God's voice, you'll start walking in God's will."
~ Joel Osteen