Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Hope is in God

                                         From my online daily devotional, Our Daily Bread.

The Great Physician

Mart DeHaan
Remain in me, as I also remain in you. John 15:4
When Dr. Rishi Manchanda asks his patients, “Where do you live?” he’s looking for more than an address. He has seen a pattern. Those who come to him for help often live in conditions of environmental stress. Molds, pests, and toxins are making them sick. So Dr. Manchanda has become an advocate of what he calls Upstream Doctors. These are health care workers who, while providing urgent medical care, are working with patients and communities to get to the source of better health.
As Jesus healed those who came to Him (Matthew 4:23–24), He lifted their eyes beyond the need for urgent physical and material care. With His Sermon on the Mount He offered more than a medical miracle (5:1–12). Seven times Jesus described attitudes of mind and heart that reflect a well-being that begins with a new vision and promise of spiritual well-being (vv. 3–9). Two more times he called blessed those who experience relentless persecution and find their hope and home in Him (vv. 10–12).
Jesus’s words leave me wondering. Where am I living? How aware am I of my need for a well-being that is greater than my urgent need for physical and material relief? As I long for a miracle, do I embrace as enviable the poor, broken, hungry, merciful, peacemaking heart that Jesus calls blessed?
Father in heaven, it’s so hard to see beyond our pain. Please let us sense Your mercy in this moment. Lift our eyes beyond ourselves. Let us find a new vision and source of health in the care of Christ, who heals. 

When God is our home, our hope is in Him.

Friday, February 16, 2018


HOPE Group - Do you struggle with depression from time to time? You're not alone! Come join others in finding support beginning Monday, March 5, from 7-8:30PM at DSPC.  We will begin with "Hope Prevails" by Dr. Michelle Bengtson, the story of her personal struggle with depression. All are welcome, just show up anytime!  Contact Marsha Young at myoungcollection@yahoo.com or 512-738-5109 for more information ,

Tuesday, February 6, 2018


“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trust, always hopes, always perseveres.”
— 1 Corinthians 13:4-17
First Corinthians 13:4-7 is often used to characterize the love that one person has for another or what a couple should strive for in a marriage. However, Paul’s assertion here to the Corinthian Church calls to mind the true character of Jesus Christ - Jesus’ PERFECT love for us. It is a love that has the ability to withstand the fiercest of storms and the most barren droughts.  It is a love that has the ability to empower us to love even when we feel unlovable, with nothing left to give.
The depths of this Jesus-love take on a whole new meaning for those of us who fight exhausting battles in our mind on a daily basis. When we experience the difficulties of living with depression, anxiety or mood instability, we can sink into the revolving thought pattern that our mental health struggles make us unlovable and therefore we will fail at loving others: our spouses, our families, our friends. We fear failure and rejection, so we slowly start to close ourselves off to the very love that Jesus has for us.
~Grace Alliance

I have been there in that dark place many times, hopefully never again!  If you are going through depression, the book, Hope Prevails by Dr. Michelle Bengtson is a very helpful book to read and hopefully will bring you some peace!!!

Monday, February 5, 2018


“Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.”
Proverbs 16:24

“I just a few words, we could crush some’s spirit, or, through words of wisdom and hope, nourish and strengthen others.  With just a few well chosen words, God can use us to change a life.”

Words can make a difference!