Tuesday, January 31, 2023

He Restores Our Souls

 “He restores my soul.”
Psalm 23:3

The focus is on God's work in our lives. We cannot restore ourselves, but must be restored by God.

A look at the entire Psalm provides three principles for "restoring my soul." These include rest, reflection, and replenishment. David appears to be at rest when he composed this Psalm. This was not a song to prepare for battle or celebrate a holy day, but rather to enjoy a time of relaxation in God's presence.

Second, restoration involved reflection. His soul was restored as he looked at life from God's perspective. He felt protected, safe, and secure under the leadership of God.

Third, his restoration included replenishment. Both rest and reflection led to a renewed vigor to live for God. This replenishment also included an anticipation to be with God forever in the future (v. 6).

With this perspective on life, David could live with a restored soul, prepared for the problems of the day. He knew God was with him, cared for him, and would never leave his side. There was no battle too big for him to face with God in his life.

The same is true in our own lives. If we wish to see God restore our soul, we need to make time to rest, reflect, and replenish. We cannot expect to live with a fresh sense of God's presence in our lives if we constantly rush from one issue to the next. To be restored takes time, focused on God and His greatness, to renew us with hope and joy regarding this life and anticipation for eternity.
~compelling truth.org