Sunday, January 12, 2025
10,000 Reasons
Thursday, January 9, 2025
Everyday Miracles
Everyday miracles
If you will take a moment to pause in your busy day, you will see everyday miracles all around you. You see it in the vibrant colors of nature, and in the gentle breeze blowing your hair even though you can’t see it. There are everyday miracles that hold your feet to the ground and provide oxygen for your lungs. The intricate ordering of clouds in the sky or the brilliant palette of a sunrise reflect the majesty of our God and put everyday miracles front and center before us.
Ask for miracles, look for miracles, and believe in miracles when they occur. God is always at work in your life and the lives of others. Without miracles, our world would cease to exist. When you can’t explain the extraordinary, know it was a miracle from God. He has promised to provide for our needs. Sometimes He’ll work a miracle to accomplish His promise. You just need to learn to see it.