Wednesday, January 30, 2019


“I sought the Lord, and he answered me; 
he delivered me from all my fears.”
Psalm 34:4

Prayer is having a conversation with God.  All He asks is that we show up.  It doesn’t matter the time or place.  God is always there, and He is delighted to respond to us when we come to Him in prayer.
Sometimes prayer is sitting in silence and waiting for God to speak.  Sometimes prayer is talking to God and asking Him for things throughout the day.  Sometimes prayer is full of deep confession and asking for forgiveness.  Sometimes prayer is falling down on our knees and bearing our soul. 
~ Lauren Gaskill Facebook
She wrote “Into the Deep”

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

God of Hope

“May the God of Hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit."
Romans 15:13

"Hope” is commonly used to mean a wish : its strength is the strength of the person's desire. But in the Bible hope is the confident expectation of what God has promised and its strength is in His faithfulness."

~ Wiley Online Library

Monday, January 28, 2019

Be Still

“Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him;
Psalm 37:7

Take Time to Reflect
If you've ever said to yourself, "I don't even have time to think," then you know how hard it is to concentrate when you're being bombarded with noise from all sides. It can be even harder to hold on to peace when we don't make time to read His Word. God doesn't often shout to get our attention. Instead, the Bible says that He speaks in "a still, small voice" (1 Kings 19:12), which means we need to listen closely. What can you do to put yourself in a position to hear God's voice? The key is to make time every day away from the busyness and distractions. Find a room in your house, outside under the trees, or some other place where you can be still for a few minutes each day to spend time with Him. As you spend time with Him, He will renew your spirit and restore your peace.
~Joel Osteen Daily Devotionals

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Let It Go

Great song by Tim McGraw
 “Let it Go”

Meaningful Words in the Song!!!

Today I’m gonna keep on walking...

... gonna find the pieces I lost in my soul...

...tired of holding all that pain...

...gonna hold my head up high...

...gonna Let it Go...

...gonna start living and leave it all behind!!!

Friday, January 25, 2019

Angels Among Us

After listening to this song, Angels Among Us, I remembered that I had put angel wings on some of the people in this photograph!  I really believe there are angels out there helping God!  In the Bible it does talk abou the angels!

In an article I read it says...
"Angels communicate messages of God to His people.  In addition, God calls on the angels to worship His son, Jesus"... Let all God's angels worship Him" (Hebrews 1:6).  Angels are a blessing from God that He uses to communicacate, protect and minister to you with His power.

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Be Joyful Always

“Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in
all circumstances; for this is God’s 
will for you in Jesus Christ.”  
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 

“Our joy, prayers and thankfulness should not fluctuate with our circumstances or feelings.  Obeying these three commands - be joyful, pray continually, and give thanks - often goes against our natural inclinations.  When we make a conscious decision to do what God says, however, we will begin to see people in a new perspective.  When we do God’s will, we will find it easier to be joyful and thankful.”
~ Life Application Study Bible

Friday, January 18, 2019

So This Happened

By Pam Firle - Therapist in Dripping Springs

It was the 23rd of December and a lovely Texas afternoon. My daughter and her family had just flown in from Wisconsin for the week and we were on a neighborhood walk with our grandchildren. As you can imagine, the kids were traveling twice as far as the rest of the family; running back and forth and up and down the side yards. As we walked, my eye caught my five year old grandson running up and down some mulch piles along the side of the road. In an impulsive moment I decided to join him.
I say impulsive because I don’t remember thinking about it, I just remember moving. And although it felt playful and fun, let’s just say my descent was not as graceful as his. It wasn’t a bad tumble; just an unfortunate landing. My brain was in denial it was anything really serious but within a couple of hours x-rays confirmed what I feared; that I had broken my right wrist. And I am indeed right handed. 
Even if you’ve never broken a bone, I’m sure you can relate to a time when a split second decision, or the lack of one, changed everything. 
As my mind struggled to take in my new reality, it easily defaulted into self-judgment; telling me what a dumb thing I had done and that I was to blame for ruining my family’s holiday vacation. Though my rational mind recognized it as a simple accident, emotionally I felt convicted of a grievous mistake and this did not sit well. Though I have spent decades in the practice of taming my inner perfectionist, I was reminded that she is alive and well. 
I have had a few weeks now to calm her down and begin to put my experience in a more balanced perspective. As a proponent of mindful and conscious living, I try to observe my experience as well as having it. 
Even in going through something so unwelcome, I believe there is an opportunity to learn about ourselves and grow if we are open to it. So while I am just beginning the healing process (I am two weeks post surgery today), I would like to share five opportunities for growth that I’ve noticed so far.
  1. To practice self-acceptance; of my fallibilty, my limitations and my lack of control to change things.
  2. To practice receiving support and allowing help. I’ve been blessed with amazing help from family and friends, which though greatly appreciated runs counter to my independent nature.   
  3. To practice slowing down and being mindful; mostly because I don’t have a choice! Doing everything with your non-dominant hand requires slow and intentional movement – from personal care, to cooking and eating, writing, cleaning, driving and using the computer. 
  4. The challenge of learning something new; and EVERYTHING feels new.
  5. Increased compassion for those living with chronic pain. As painful as my broken wrist has been, my discomfort is part of a healing process. My pain will pass at some point, but others live without such reassurance. Living with pain is taxing on the mind, body and spirit.
It occurs to me that all of these are practices I believe in and encourage others to embrace. In fact, they’re practices worthy of being on your New Year’s resolution list. 
There are, however, far easier ways to practice them than breaking your wrist! It doesn’t have to take a crisis to choose to slow down or increase self-acceptance. In fact I highly encourage you not to wait for one. If you feel drawn to one of these, make it your focus for 2019. It will change your life.
May your 2019 be rich with opportunities,

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

God Is My Keeper

“The Lord will protect you from all evil, He will keep your soul.
The Lord will guard your going out and your coming in 
from this time forth and forever.”
Psalm 121:7-8

God is sovereign, and He is also good. Knowing this, many believers struggle to understand why painful things happen in life. They wonder, Why wouldn’t the Lord stop me from experiencing such heartache? 
The question deepens when we read a Bible passage like Psalm 121:7-8: “The Lord will protect you from all evil; He will keep your soul. The Lord will guard your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forever.” Many people interpret this to mean that God will keep them from difficulty. But what the words say is that He promises to keep their soul. 
The Lord allows pain in our life. Sometimes He even orchestrates it. God understands the hurt, but He also looks into the deeper meaning of the situation. Trials often strengthen our faith, make us more like Jesus, and give us compassion for others. At times, God may even use difficulties to keep us from becoming complacent in our spiritual walk. With His help, we profit immensely more from walking through the pain than from avoiding it. When our heavenly Father knows it is best, He doesn’t keep us from the pain; instead, He enables us to endure the hardship by giving us wisdom and strength. And when we get to the other side, we can often see—with profound thankfulness—how His loving and gracious hand guided us through the whole situation. 
We have tremendous hope, knowing that God will keep us through the most difficult times. Reread Psalm 121, and ask the Lord to remind you of its truths when painful situations arise in your life.
~ In Touch Ministries - Charles Stanley 

Monday, January 14, 2019

Plans To Give You Hope

“For I know the plans I have for you,”declares the Lord,”plans
to to prosper you and not to harm you, plans
to give you hope and a future.”
Jeremiah 29:11

God has big plans for you
If God had a refrigerator, your picture would be on it! He could have lived anywhere in the universe, but He chose to live in your heart. You are His most prized possession, and He has an amazing future planned for you. God wants you to be free today. He is asking you to forget the past and start fresh with Him today. Stop beating yourself up over your past mistakes. Quit thinking that you don't deserve anything good. You are a child of the Most High God. Begin seeing yourself the way God sees you. How does God see you? He sees you as His masterpiece, the apple of His eye, His precious child. Throughout the day, declare what His Word says about you, “I am a victor. I am a masterpiece. I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” See yourself as the champion He created you to be!
A Prayer for Today
"God, I believe my better days are still to come. The pain in my life prepares me to receive twice what I have lost, so I will face whatever comes with steadfast faith. Thank you for giving me this hope. In Jesus' Name - Amen."

~ Joel Osteen Devotional

Saturday, January 12, 2019

True Joy

“I have told you this so that my joy may be in you
and that your joy may be complete.”
John 15:11

“True joy transcends the rolling waves of circumstances.  Joy comes from a 
consistent relationship with Jesus Christ.  The joy of living with
Jesus Christ daily will keep us levelheaded, no matter 
how high or low our circumstances.”

~ Life Application Study Bible

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Dealing with Guilty Feelings

Guilt comes from a feeling of responsibility for some wrongdoing. Conviction can result from the Holy Spirit’s efforts to turn us away from sin and guide us to our heavenly Father. But not all guilt stems from ungodly actions.
False guilt, which is not prompted by sin, can surface for a variety of reasons, such as disappointment in one’s own performance, a sense of shame over past events, or criticism from others for unmet expectations. Rejection or a pattern of abuse from childhood can also trigger this emotion. False guilt is a powerful weapon the enemy uses to direct our thoughts away from the Lord.
Whether false or real, the emotion of guilt divides our mind, drains our energy, and creates a sense of insecurity. If we allow it to linger, we can start to have doubts about God’s goodness and love for us. Depression and hopelessness may follow. To cope, some people develop compulsive behaviors in an attempt to replace self-reproach with something pleasurable. Excessive amounts of food, television, internet, shopping, and exercise are common ways people try to push away self-condemning thoughts.
Addressing guilt quickly is important. Acknowledge the emotion to the Lord, and identify the reason behind it. If you’ve violated God’s law, ask His forgiveness, and take steps to change the behavior. If you discover false guilt, confess it and ask God to adjust your thinking to match His. In either case, praise Him because He doesn’t want His children carrying unnecessary burdens and has promised to forgive our sins.
~ Daily Devotionals from In Touch Ministries - Charles Stanley

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

The Greatest is Love

“Three things will last forever - faith, hope and love - and
the greatest of these is love.”
1 Corinthians 13:13

..the Greatest Is Love
Is love your greatest aim? How can you tell? Easy. Are you concerned about other people, or are you concerned about only yourself? Do you take time to make a difference, to encourage others, to lift their spirits, to make people feel better about themselves? Do you follow the flow of love that God puts in your heart toward somebody in need? Or, are you too busy with your own plans? When God puts love and compassion in your heart toward someone, He’s offering you an opportunity to walk in love and make a difference in that person’s life. You must learn to follow that love as your greatest aim. Don’t ignore it. Act on it. Be on the lookout for people you can bless. Be willing to be interrupted and inconvenienced if it means you can help meet somebody else's need. You have what somebody needs.
A Prayer for Today
"God, I have faith in Jesus, confidence in Your plan for my life, and hope for eternity in heaven. But it is love that You value above all else. I am going to show love to those around me every day. I will have the strength to turn the other cheek and avoid strife today. In Jesus' name - Amen."

~ Joel Osteen Devotional
I think Joel’s devotionals are really good!

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

My Rock

                         "God is our refuge and refuge and strength, an ever present help in trouble."

                                                                       Psalm 46:1

Your Ever-Present Help
God is always with you. That means He is present at all times, continually, perpetually, throughout all time. In your day of trouble, He promises to be a help to you. How is He your help? “Help” means something different to each person. That’s because “help” is specific to your need. If you need money to pay your bills, a chocolate cake isn’t going to be much help! But we serve a God who is very specific. And because He is always with you, He always knows exactly what you need and is always ready to provide it!
Today, are you facing trouble or adversity? Know that God is with you. Look to Him for help. Trust that He has the answer, and that He is working things out in your favor. As you continue to believe Him and follow His direction, He will lead you in the way that you should go. He will comfort you, revive you, restore you and bless you! He will be your ever-present help because He is forever faithful to His Word!
A Prayer for Today
"Father God, thank You for being my ever-present help. I trust today that You are with me, that You are comforting me and restoring my soul. I lift my eyes to You this day. Help me to follow Your commands and honor You as You direct my steps in Jesus’ name. Amen."
                                                             ~ Joel  Osteen Devotional

Monday, January 7, 2019

Marked Moments

                                 "...for time and chance overtake them all."  Ecclesiastes 9:11

Marked Moments
Before the foundation of the world, God laid out a plan for your life. He created you with a purpose, for a purpose, and He created you to be successful! He already has pivotal moments planned out for your life. These are moments when God intervenes. They are designed to thrust you years ahead. Ecclesiastes tells us that time and chance come together for every person. That means at any moment, things are going to shift in your favor. A good break, a healing, a promotion, a great idea or a restoration is coming. When you need it, it won’t be one second late. Today, open your eyes of faith and see the good things God has in store for your future. Thank Him for what He’s doing and what He’s about to do. Thank Him for divine connections and destiny moments because He is ready and willing to fulfill every dream and desire He’s placed within your heart!
A Prayer for Today
"Heavenly Father, thank You for marked moments and divine opportunities in my life. I trust that You are working behind the scenes no matter what the circumstances look like. I choose today to keep my heart and mind focused on Your goodness, knowing that You are a rewarder of those who diligently seek after You in Jesus’ name. Amen."

- Joel Osteen Devotional

Saturday, January 5, 2019

This is the Day the Lord has Made

“This is the day the Lord has made,
Rejoice and be glad in it.”
Psalm 118:24

                Today I woke up rejoicing and I started saying this scripture over and over again!!!

“There are days when the last thing we want to do is rejoice.  Our mood is down, our situation is out of hand, and our sorrow and guilt is overwhelming.  We can relate to how the writer’s felt, they were always honest with God.  And as they talked to God, their prayers ended in praise.  When you don’t feel like rejoicing tell God how you truly feel.  You will find that God will give you a reason to rejoice.  God has given you this day to live and be glad!”

~ Life Application Study Bible

Friday, January 4, 2019



Hope is the thing with feathers 
That perches in the soul.
And sings the tune without the words.
And never stops at all.
~ Emily Dickinson

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Courageous Faith

“The joy of the Lord is your strength.”
Nehemiah 8:10

“Living joyfully doesn’t mean we will always be happy; it means that our
outlook can be hopeful and joyful in the deep,
painful seasons of life.”

This quote is found in a wonderful book I am reading called “Into the Deep” Diving into a life of Courageous Faith by Lauren Gaskill.  A great read!!!

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

What God Calls You

“Scripture and Reference:
And the angel of the Lord appeared to him and said to him,
“The Lord is with you, 
Oh mighty man of valor.”
Judges 6:12

What God Calls You
In Scripture, God called Gideon a mighty man of fearless courage. Gideon looked around and said, "God couldn't be talking about me. I come from the poorest family, and I'm the least one in my father's house." Gideon saw himself as weak, defeated and not able. But God saw him as strong, confident and more than a conqueror. You may feel weak today, but God calls you strong. You may feel like a victim, but God calls you a victor. You may be afraid, but God calls you confident. You may be in debt, God calls you prosperous. You may be sick, God calls you well. You may be addicted, God calls you free. Today, get into agreement with God. No matter what the circumstances look like, you’ve got to dig your heels in and say, "God, I agree with what You call me. I’m free, forgiven and healed in Jesus’ name!”
A Prayer for Today
"Father God, thank You for loving me and calling me Your own. I choose to receive Your Word which is life, health and strength to me. Fill me with Your peace and wisdom. I set my thoughts on You.” In Jesus’ Name. Amen."

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Happy New Year

“May He grant you your heart’s desire
 and fulfill all your plans.”
Psalm 20:4

It’s a new sunrise, a new day and a New Year!!!  A new year for high hopes, for family and friends to connect, adventure, dreams, etc.!!  A time to be thankful, to regroup and renew!  And enjoy life!!!  It is going to be a great 2019!!!