Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Let Go and Let God

By Mary Kuferle

Begin now to relax from the strain and effort of questioning, planning, and reasoning. Take a few moments throughout the day to calm your thinking and place all your attention upon the words: I let go. I let God fill my need.
Immediately, you will experience visible and tangible benefits, inside and out. You will feel renewed strength and faith and courage. Your prayers will be more effective, and your understanding of the presence of God within you will be clearer. You will find that God's love takes care of what you cannot accomplish. As you let go, God will freely and abundantly fill every need.

God always provides knowledge, guidance, understanding, faith, healing, supply, or anything else you need. Whatever your life experience appears to be, you have—at this very moment—an opportunity to let go of your personal striving and let God move in you and through you to fill your every need.
- Part of MaryKuferle's article

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