Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Being Free

“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free.  
Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened...”
Galatians 5:11

“Being free and having freedom takes an enormous amount of courage because when we are truly ‘free’ we are not subject to the criticisms, judgments, or demands of others.
We acknowledge that they are entitled to having an opinion but we are not going to be influenced by it. It takes courage to establish the strong energy boundaries that free us from our own desire to be valued, liked, loved, and accepted by others.
It takes courage to build the self esteem that allows us to acknowledge our individual personal freedoms without responding to someone’s demands that we adjust our light and energy to accommodate their needs.
It takes courage to face our own brilliance, genius, strength, and light and not feel overshadowed by it.
Finally, it takes courage to establish the ‘ground rules’ for our life and relationships and defend them against those who find them inconvenient or unnecessary.
On the day we celebrate freedom in the US, we can all look at what freedom means to us and how we define it. Then put that into action so you have the energy boundaries to manage your energy in- and out-flows, as well as who is part of your reality. When it comes to relationships ‘you are the prize’, so set your energy boundaries, define your version of freedom, and remember to receive the blessings you intend for yourself.”
~Article by Jennifer Hoffman -
“Freedom lives on the other side of fear.”

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