Monday, August 12, 2019

Trust in God

“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.”
Psalm 46:1

“Our relationship with Christ can be strong enough to trust Him when life hurts.  When we live by what we see, feel, hear, touch, and think, we are limited to the natural realm.  Within those limitations we will get caught in a vortex of expectations, disappointments, and doubt.  We’re like spiritual yo-yos, spinning up, down, and all around.  We can overcome this downward spin by trusting God.  As we get closer to the one who loves us, He can make Himself known in ways that we have never experienced.  Our goal is to reach out to Him and receive Him.”

“There is life-giving power and hope that are unleashed when we put our focus on God instead of our problems.  There is also a negative power when we focus on our problems; it’s called worry.  It’s a form of fear, and it will drain the joy and strength right out of our lives.  However, we can look to God for who He is, what He does, and what He gives.  He will change us on the inside and plant faith firmly in our lives.”

“Trusting in God’s goodness raises us toward His perspective of power, possibility, and life to the fullest - regardless of out circumstances.”

From the book “Thriving” by Nancy Grisham

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