Tuesday, November 12, 2019


In Everything, Have Faith in God

TODAY IS THE DAY to keep on having faith in God. In everything, have faith in God's love and wisdom at work in your life. In everything that has already occurred, choose to have faith and know that God's presence and power were active. In everything happening in this moment, have faith that God is present and in control of all details. In thoughts of the future, again take hold of the idea: In everything, I have faith in God!
If you are facing a physical challenge, focus your attention and belief on the declaration: In everything, I have faith in God and in God's total healing power! Initiate this life-giving thought again and again in the realization that with increasingly greater healing power it will begin to rise up within your mind and heart and bless you.
In everything, I have faith in God! No matter what negativity may arise during the day, regarding yourself or someone you love, choose to keep this one simple thought active.
Let it be a silent or verbal sentinel reminding you of the path you wish to follow and of the kind of person you want to be. Repeat the words often: In everything, I have faith in God! 
Use this response to all limitation that occurs, appears or persists in life's events. Determine to consciously choose again and again this positive affirmation and healing attitude.
… I have found that when no other prayer, no other words, seem to bring the encouragement needed, the declaration: In EVERYTHING, I have faith in God! has helped rebuild my trust, restrengthen my conviction, and restore my growing awareness of oneness with the Father.
Jesus Christ showed in a powerful way, through his own manner of response, the vital importance of right reaction to every circumstance of life. Confronted by the negative attitudes of the Pharisees and other religious leaders, he persistently moved forward in having faith in God.
… You are given, through Jesus' example, the basis for working miracles in your life today. Regardless of the undesirable occasion, negative feelings, or activity in evidence, you can meet each one with the quiet insistence that it need not remain or need not be given a place of importance within your mind. You can prove by example that all attention and all faith turned to the Father is a miracle-working power in everything. The more often you choose to have faith in God, the stronger your conviction grows and the more effective your prayers become.
… Yes, I know there may be times when you are literally surrounded by opposition to your belief in healing or inwardly filled with arguments against the possibility of realizing wholeness. It is in such instances that you can remember and follow the example given by Jesus Christ. You can repeatedly turn away from all that is negative and give your attention to your faith in God.
Mary L. Kupferle was an ordained Unity minister.

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