Tuesday, February 2, 2021


“May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had.” Romans 15:5

Encouragement is something we all need to keep us motivated, loved, and feeling confident in ourselves and what we do. It’s something that is important for our mental and overall health and it truly can give us just the same amount of joy to give it to others as it is to receive it. We all know what it can feel like to pursue something—whether it’s starting out a new job, trying out a new creative hobby, or trying to make small changes in your life—and not get any feedback or encouragement. You want to quit and it can feel hard to stick with your goals. Plus, it can lead to discouragement. Because God created us and knows this about our personalities, he has provided countless verses in the Bible to not only encourage us but also to teach us the importance of lifting up those around us. Imagine how your community could change for the better with a little more encouragement between neighbors instead of community message boards filled with complaints. Or how strong your team at work could become if each person talked up their teammates' work instead of their own accomplishments in order to get ahead. What a world that could be!

~ countryliving.com


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