Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Wipe Your Slate Clean

“to be made new in the attitude of your minds.”
Ephesians 4:23

The apostle Paul says that every day you need to put on a fresh new attitude. If you don’t start anew, you’ll bring all the negative from yesterday into today. You do that week after week and before long you’ll be critical, condescending, negative, and seeing the worst. “I don’t like my job. My house is too small. I’ll never get well.” That is an old sour attitude.

When you wake up each morning, you need to say, “Father, thank You that this day is a gift. Everything may not be perfect, but I’m grateful to be alive, grateful for my family, grateful for today’s opportunities. I’m going to make the most of this day.” That’s not just being positive, that’s putting on a fresh new attitude. You get rid of anything from yesterday that’s weighing you down and wipe the slate clean. Let go of the disappointments, let go of what didn’t work out, get your mind going in the right direction, and you’ll see God show out in your life.

~ Joel Osteen Devotional

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