Friday, August 12, 2022

Lean On Me

 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and
lean not on your own understanding.”
Proverbs 3:5

The world has taught us that we are very capable of handling anything that comes our way. Many of the methods don’t include the power of God ⚡, but that of man. As a child of God, put your trust in Him instead of the many ways of the world (Psalm 20:7). 

When you trust in God with all your heart, it means that you leave no room for doubt. You believe what He says because you know He is always right and will never deceive you. God sees the bigger picture and therefore knows what lies ahead of you and what you don’t see. Trust in God in every situation and relationship in your life.

Trusting God comes naturally when you know Him and how He works. It’s hard to trust someone you don’t know and can’t rely on. God is trustworthy and faithful and has proven Himself throughout the Bible. When you spend time to read the scriptures, you will know God and His ways and be familiar with His will. 🧐

God expects that you will trust Him with all your heart, not just a part of it ❤. When we don’t trust Him wholeheartedly, we question His abilities and tuck in a Plan B, just in case He doesn’t come through. Put your complete trust in God knowing He won’t let you down.

Many times we try to figure things out in a situation yet we don’t always have all the information. The second part of verse 5 tells us not to depend on our understanding of things because we could be wrong 😕. You may have misinterpreted someone's words or underestimated a certain danger or threat. 

We love being in control and tend to stay away from anything that makes us lose our grasp of any situation. That is why Psalm 46:10 says, “Be still,” meaning that we should stop striving to do things in our strength. 


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