Monday, October 10, 2022

An Olive Tree

 “But I am like an olive tree,
flourishing in the house of God; I trust
in God’s unfailing love forever and forever.”
Psalm 52:8

“With God by his side, David compared himself to an olive tree nourishing in the house of God.  Not only is an olive tree one of the longest-living trees, but a flourishing tree even has even greater longevity.

We read about the Mount of Olives; is evergreen and durable, and it’s leaves and branches are a symbol of peace.  Olive trees are rooted in Christ.

Trusting in God brings joy and peace that the world cannot understand or take away.  This allows a person to really live and flourish like well planted olive tree producing lots of fruit in his life.

Allow yourself to be strengthen by His Holy Spirit so that you can live the life that He has blessed you with.  You can live the abundant life that Jesus promised, flourishing, growing and moving forward.”


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