Monday, October 30, 2023

Guard Your Heart and Mind

 “Above all else, guard your heart,
for everything you do flows from it.”
Proverbs 4:23

“ Just as there are certain chemicals, hormones, and bacteria in our foods that can build up in our bodies and be harmful, there are all kinds of toxic thoughts—bitter, cynical, negative thoughts—that can build up in your mind and do great damage. They become part of who you are. That’s why the Scripture says to make guarding your heart and mind a top priority. If you’ve allowed those thoughts to take root, they will poison your future and sour your relationships.

It’s important that you cleanse your mind of the bitterness, the low self-esteem, the negative words spoken over you, the condemnation from past mistakes, and the discouragement that’s trying to become a part of you. You have to make a decision, rather than dwelling on those thoughts, you will dwell on what God says about you. If you keep your mind filled with thoughts of hope and faith, those toxic thoughts will grow weaker, and before long they won’t have any effect on you.”

~ Joel Osteen Devotional

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