Monday, March 26, 2018

God Is Our Hope

Found this great article!!!

  When we’re feeling breathless with anxiety, we can rest assured in Jesus’s power. Whether He calms our waves or strengthens us to face them, He will give us the gift of His peace that “transcends all understanding” (Philippians 4:7). And as He releases us from our fears, our spirits and our bodies can return to a state of rest.

You have control on what you think. You have control on to embrace the evil thoughts or fearful thoughts or tell them to get out of here. I hope you caught that. Its in your power to loose them out of your mind. Take your God given authority, take the dominion that God has given you. Fight the good fight of faith. YOU WIN!!!!!!!! Having the understanding that NO Weapon formed against you SHALL PROSPER. Demons brings torment yet God brings peace.

Our HOPE group meets every Monday evenings at 7:00 at the DS Presbyterian Church on RR12.  Together we give each other support struggling with depression and anxiety!!  All are welcome❣️

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