Tuesday, March 13, 2018


“Put your hope in God,...”
Psalm 42:5

“Drepression is one of the most common emotional ailments.  One antidote for depression is to meditate on the word of God’s goodness to his people.  This will take your mind off the present situation and give hope that it will improve.  It will focus your thoughts on God’s ability to help you rather than on your own inability to help yourself.  When you feel depressed, take advantage of Psalm 42 antidepressant.  Read the Bible’s accounts of God’s goodness, and meditate on them.”
~ Life Application Bible Study

I have created a support group for those of us who struggle with depression/anxiety called HOPE.  We meet every Monday night from 7:00 to 8:30pm at the Drippings Springs Presbyterian Church on RR12.  All are welcome, just show up and hopefully you will!!!

“Hope Prevails” by Dr. Michelle Bengtson, a book I highly recommend reading!!

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