Wednesday, February 27, 2019

God Is Always With Us

“And surely I am with you always, 
to the very end of age.”
Matthew 28:20

“Jesus was with the disciples physically until he ascended into heaven, 
and spiritually through the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit
would be Jesus’ presence that would never leave them.  Jesus
continues to be with us today through his Spirit.”
~Life Application Study Bible

Monday, February 25, 2019


“So I commend the enjoyment of life, because there is nothing better
for a person under the sun than to eat and drink and be glad.
Then joy will accompany them in their toil
all the days of the life God has given them under the sun.”
Ecclesiastes 8:15

“Solomon recalls the remedy for life’s unanswered questions.  He recommends joy and contentment as encouragement for us along life’s pilgrimage.  We must accept each day with its daily measure of work, food, pleasure.  Let us learn to enjoy what God has given us to refresh and strengthen us to continue his work.”
~ Life Application Study Bible

Friday, February 22, 2019

Do Not Fear

“I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with
my righteous right hand.”
Isaiah 41:10

The little girl who navigated the stairway one Sunday at church was cute, spunky, and independent. One by one the child—who appeared to be not much older than two years—took the steps down to the lower level. Descending the stairs was her mission and she accomplished it. I smiled to myself as I pondered the daring independence of this courageous toddler. The child wasn’t afraid because she knew her caring mother’s watchful eye was always on her and her loving hand was extended to help her. This aptly pictures the Lord’s readiness to help His children as they make their way through life with its varied uncertainties.
Today’s Scripture includes two “hand” references. After cautioning His ancient people not to fear or be dismayed, the Lord told them, “I will uphold you with my righteous right hand” (Isaiah 41:10). Many anxious and fearful children have been steadied by the strength of a parent. Here God’s power comes into view. In the second “hand” reference, once again it’s the Lord who acted to secure the safety of His own. “For I am the Lordyour God who takes hold of your right hand” (v. 13). While life situations and times have changed, the Lord hasn’t. We need not despair (v. 10) because the Lord still assures us with the promise of His support and with the words we desperately need to hear: “Do not fear” (vv. 10, 13).
Father, thank you for watching over me.

~ by Arthur Jackson in “Our Daily Bread “

Tuesday, February 19, 2019


"Joyfully" - Song by Kari Jobe

You lead me by the waters still
You lay me down to rest upon your faithfulness
My Shepherd, simply take my hand
Your song restores my soul
For Your name, You make me whole
Joyfully I lift my voice in praise to Thee
With heaven watching over me I raise my hands up high
Your Majesty gently washes over me
Makes my heart begin to sing joyfully
No shadow ever shall I fear
Your peace, my heart will know
My cup it overflows
Your goodness chases after me
Your mercy and Your grace will be my dwelling place
Joyfully I lift my voice in praise to Thee
With heaven watching over me I raise my hands up high
Your Majesty gently washes over me
Makes my heart begin to sing joyfully
I will sing from the mountain top
I will sing, I am overcome, I will sing making melodies
I will sing from the valley low
I will sing because of Your love I will sing
You're my King, I will sing
Joyfully I lift my voice in praise to Thee
With heaven watching over me I raise my hands up high
Your Majesty gently washes over me
Makes my heart begin to sing joyfully
Joyfully, joyfully, joyfully
Love this song❣️

Friday, February 15, 2019

Being Grateful

Being Grateful

"The benefits of practicing gratitude are nearly endless. People who regularly practice gratitude by taking time to notice and reflect upon the things they're thankful for experience more positive emotions, feel more alive, sleep better, express more compassion and kindness, and even have stronger immune systems. And gratitude doesn't need to be reserved only for momentous occasions: Sure, you might express gratitude after receiving a promotion at work, but you can also be thankful for something as simple as a delicious piece of pie. Research by UC Davis psychologist Robert Emmons, author of Thanks!: How the New Science of Gratitude Can Make You Happier, shows that simply keeping a gratitude journal—regularly writing brief reflections on moments for which we’re thankful—can significantly increase well-being and life satisfaction."

During Valentine's Day I was reflecting how many things to be grateful and thankful for...nature, hearing the birds, sunrises, sunsets, stars, the list goes on and of all the beautiful things God has created!!!  Most importantly, I am so grateful and thankful for my husband, my family, my friends and of course God/Jesus!!!
Thank you, thank you, thank you❣️

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Be Patient

Be Patient
Even when you are busy, you can choose to be patient. Nobody really likes to wait around for something to happen, especially if it's something they really want to see come to pass. But God says that people who trust in Him need to wait on Him. Waiting is hard, but here's the good part: waiting on God is not like waiting on anyone else in your life because God never fails to keep His Word! If you're asking God for something right now or hoping that He will fulfill your dreams, just keep praying and holding on. Don't give up on God. If it's not happening on your timetable, remind yourself, “God knows what He is doing. He has my best interest at heart. I wouldn’t be having this delay unless God had a very good reason for it.” Rest assured that it will be in God's perfect timing.
A Prayer for Today
"God, please continue to give me patience to wait on You - and thank You for the assurance that You will never fail to keep Your Word. In Jesus' Name. Amen."

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Jesus Gives Life

“... I have come that they may have life, 
and have it to the full.”
John 10:10

“In contrast to the thief who takes life, Jesus gives life.  The life he gives right now
is abundantly richer and fuller.  It is eternal, yet it begins immediately.
Life in Christ is lived on a higher plan because of his overflowing 
forgiveness, love, and guidance.”
~ Life Application Study Bible

Saturday, February 9, 2019

Protection Through Strengthening

When he wrote to Timothy, the apostle Paul was in prison, where he experienced physical discomfort, personal attack, and desertion. For what reason would the Lord allow one of His most faithful servants to endure such suffering? Why didn’t He step in and protect him?
At times God doesn’t pull us out of hard situations, because He has a different plan. We may feel as if He’s abandoning us, but in reality, He is protecting us—not by deliverance but through strengthening.
When trouble and pain pay us a visit, we should seek to view the situation from God’s perspective, by asking ourselves these questions:
• Which is a greater demonstration of the Lord’s power—changing something around me or changing something within my heart?
• Which is the greater faith builder—seeing God’s deliverance from every difficulty or experiencing His presence and strengthening in the midst of trials?
• Which reward is greater—immediate relief from discomfort or tested and refined faith that will result in praise and glory when Christ returns (1 Peter 1:7)?
• Which answer to prayer is greater—that God has removed something and given me external peace, or that He’s left me in a trial and given an internal peace that nothing can steal, not even my circumstances?
Does God have to fix something for you to be happy? If He removes the situation, you may never learn that He is sufficient for everything you need. Instead, let Him change you, and you’ll discover His joy in whatever circumstance comes your way.

~ In Touch Ministries - Charles Stanley

Friday, February 8, 2019


Woke up this morning feeling down about a situation.  At the back door
a beautiful lost Siamese cat from last night came again meowing so loudly.
So I thought, he or she just needs some lovin’, so I did just that, not much of a animal 
lover, but it sure felt good and made me feel much better, guess we
both needed some lovin’!!!  God knows!!!

“And now these three remain: faith, hope and love.  
But the greatest of these is love.”
1 Corinthians 13:13

God’s love is perfect, faithful, unconditional, forgiving, all-encompassing, pure, lasting, sacrificial, strong, enduring, refreshing, redeeming, everlasting, lavish, full, inspiring, hope-filled, gracious, and so much more. It’s never based on us, our abilities, or striving to ever be good enough. It’s found in Him, His character, and a huge capacity to give. It knows no boundaries and has no limits. There’s no place too deep that His love can’t reach us still.

Thursday, February 7, 2019


I wanted to share parts of this interesting article!

The Healing Power of Hugs
by April Thompson

Hugs don’t just feel good; they do good.   A simple embrace can boost our health and mood, connect us spiritually and even help mend society.

Hugs and other types of affectionate touching can provide numerous benefits in the face of threats or stress, according to Michael Murphy, Ph.D., a researcher with the Laboratory for the Study Stress, Immunity and Disease at Carnegie Mellon University, in Pittsburgh.  “The research shows that touch behaviors like hugs reduce negative responses to threats and make people feel happier, more secure and more supported.”

“In today’s world, where people often feel alienated and lonely, a hug can uplift and make us feel reconnected to the people and world around us.”

Hugs tap into that fundamental human need to belong, says Murphy.  “Hugs and other forms of affectionate touch act as powerful reminders that we belong.”

Consent is always important, and not everyone appreciates an unsolicitated hug.  But like compliments, hugs are free to give and usually well received.  As humans, we bear arms that were built not to harm, but to heal.

Monday, February 4, 2019

Wounded Parents, Wounded Children

So often when we deal with difficult people, it’s easy to form judgments about them based on their behavior or attitudes. But have you ever stopped to wonder what has made that person so disagreeable or foolish? When the Bible says God “repays the iniquity of fathers into the bosom of their children” (Jer. 32:18), it is speaking about generational cycles of sin. Unless someone in the family line makes a deliberate choice to change, sinful and dysfunctional behavior can be passed from parent to child for many generations.
This is really just a confirmation of the principle of sowing and reaping. We pass down standards for conduct and character traits that we received from our parents. If we are unwilling to change our sinful habits and attitudes, they will very likely find their way into our children’s lives.
What is true for sin is also true for wounds. When a child is emotionally bruised in the home, his behavior and character may be negatively affected. With this in mind, think about a difficult person you know. What hurts do you think shaped his or her life? A heart of compassion originates from a willingness to empathize with those who have been wounded. This doesn’t excuse someone’s sin, but it does aid in opening our heart toward the individual.
But with God’s help, you can break this cycle and begin one that will benefit future generations.
~ In Touch Ministries 

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Heart of God

Jeremiah 5:18-23

Actress Diane Kruger was offered a role that would make her a household name. But it required her to play a young wife and mother experiencing the loss of her husband and child, and she had never personally suffered loss to such a degree. She didn’t know if she could be believable. But she accepted, and in order to prepare, she began attending support meetings for people walking through the valley of extreme grief.
Initially she offered suggestions and thoughts when those in the group shared their stories. She, like most of us, wanted to be helpful. But gradually she stopped talking, and simply started listening. It was only then she began truly learning to walk a mile in their shoes. And her realization came by using her ears.
Jeremiah’s indictment against the people was that they refused to use their “ears” to hear the Lord’s voice. The prophet did not mince words, calling them “foolish and senseless people” (Jeremiah 5:21). God is constantly at work in our lives communicating words of love, instruction, encouragement, and caution. The Father’s desire is that you and I learn and mature, and we have each been given the tools, such as ears, to do so. The question then is, will we use them to hear the heart of our Father?

By John Blase - Our Daily Bread