Friday, February 8, 2019


Woke up this morning feeling down about a situation.  At the back door
a beautiful lost Siamese cat from last night came again meowing so loudly.
So I thought, he or she just needs some lovin’, so I did just that, not much of a animal 
lover, but it sure felt good and made me feel much better, guess we
both needed some lovin’!!!  God knows!!!

“And now these three remain: faith, hope and love.  
But the greatest of these is love.”
1 Corinthians 13:13

God’s love is perfect, faithful, unconditional, forgiving, all-encompassing, pure, lasting, sacrificial, strong, enduring, refreshing, redeeming, everlasting, lavish, full, inspiring, hope-filled, gracious, and so much more. It’s never based on us, our abilities, or striving to ever be good enough. It’s found in Him, His character, and a huge capacity to give. It knows no boundaries and has no limits. There’s no place too deep that His love can’t reach us still.

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