Thursday, February 7, 2019


I wanted to share parts of this interesting article!

The Healing Power of Hugs
by April Thompson

Hugs don’t just feel good; they do good.   A simple embrace can boost our health and mood, connect us spiritually and even help mend society.

Hugs and other types of affectionate touching can provide numerous benefits in the face of threats or stress, according to Michael Murphy, Ph.D., a researcher with the Laboratory for the Study Stress, Immunity and Disease at Carnegie Mellon University, in Pittsburgh.  “The research shows that touch behaviors like hugs reduce negative responses to threats and make people feel happier, more secure and more supported.”

“In today’s world, where people often feel alienated and lonely, a hug can uplift and make us feel reconnected to the people and world around us.”

Hugs tap into that fundamental human need to belong, says Murphy.  “Hugs and other forms of affectionate touch act as powerful reminders that we belong.”

Consent is always important, and not everyone appreciates an unsolicitated hug.  But like compliments, hugs are free to give and usually well received.  As humans, we bear arms that were built not to harm, but to heal.

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