Thursday, March 5, 2020

Peace With Yours Scars

“As he spoke, he showed the wounds in his hands and his side.
They were filled with joy when they saw the Lord.”
John 20:20

Be at Peace with Your Scars
We all carry invisible scars that come from inner wounds—perhaps from a divorce, from what somebody did, from a mistake we made, from a loss. So often we try to hide our scars. They remind us of the hurt. But you can be at peace with your scars. Those scars are your testimony; they tell your story. Instead of being depressed over what you’ve been through, have a new perspective—the enemy tried to stop you, but God brought you through it, healed you, and you have a scar to prove it. The scars can remind you of His grace and power.
Jesus’ back was lashed with thirty-nine stripes and His hands and feet and side were pierced. When He rose from the dead, you would think He would be perfectly restored, but He still had scars. This was significant. God could have taken them away. Maybe, in part, it was to show us that it’s okay to have scars.
~Joel Osteen

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