Friday, December 25, 2020

Christ Candle

We light this candle with great joy and celebration, because Christ is born in Bethlehem.  God's Son has come into the world to be our Savior! 

When the apostle Paul was writing to the Corinthians about the joy and blessing of giving, he got so overwhelmed at the thought of all that God has given us in His Son, Jesus, that instead of trying to put it all in words, he just ended with, “Thank God for his Son—a Gift too wonderful for words!” Jesus is God’s perfect, indescribable gift, the most wonderful gift that has ever been given—“God loved us so much that He gave His Son, Jesus, so that we can have eternal life.” Jesus, the babe in the manger. Jesus, the Savior of the world, who brought the promise of unconditional love, unending hope, and eternal life to every person who believes in Him.

And the amazing thing is that not only are we able to receive this gift into our hearts, we are able to share Him with others every day of the year! This is what Christmas is all about.


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