Saturday, December 19, 2020

Enjoying God


“The whole earth is filled with awe at your wonders;
where morning dawns, where evening fades,
you call forth songs of joy.”
Psalm 65:8

Our lives aren't always meant to be busy, productive, and fast-paced. Learn to slow down and enjoy the little things. God's beauty surrounds us everyday we just have to take the time to see it. What is it that gets you to slow down and enjoy the works of The Lord? Maybe you have a favorite place or spot you like to go, maybe it's the sound of the river or birds chirping, the smell of a fresh pot of coffee staring out your window at a gorgeous view, sitting on the porch swing with someone you love, seeing the progress of your flowers or crops as they grow, the still of the morning as you sit in your deer stand, or the the feeling you get sitting in church Sunday morning worshiping with a whole community of believers..whatever it is, take time from your busy life to fully enjoy all of the amazing things God has created and provided for you. God's purpose is not for us to live a hectic life where we are constantly busy and in a rush, sometimes He forces us do less, disconnect ourselves from the world, be in the present, slow down, focus on our inner-selves, and find pleasure in the little things.  He has designed a life for us to make time for Him and to relish in all that He has created. He delights in us slowing down to praise Him and all of the glorious wonders of His work. 


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