Monday, July 26, 2021

A Pure Heart

 “Create in me a pure heart, O God,
and renew a steadfast spirit within me.”
Psalm 51:10

In Psalm 51, David offered God a prayer of repentance in which he acknowledged sins he had tried to cover up for a year. He was so weighed down with guilt and condemnation that he became sick and weak. That moral infection started to poison his physical life. David finally confessed his sins and asked God to forgive him. Things began to turn around. Once he released the guilt and got the infection out, his health was restored. He could receive cleansing in his heart, purity in his heart, and renewal in his spirit.

As David did, we all make mistakes and sin. Too many people make the mistake of holding on to them or trying to hide them. They get bitter, live guilty, and go around with self-pity. Don’t hide it. You weren’t created to live under condemnation. Go to God and ask for forgiveness. Then here’s the key: Receive His mercy and ask for a pure heart that He can fill with good things—strength, joy, passion, creativity, and happiness.

~ Joel Osteen Devotional

Thursday, July 22, 2021

The Advocate

 “But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will
send in my name, will teach you all things and
will remind you of everything I have said to you.”
John 14:26

“Jesus promised the disciples that the Holy Spirit would help them remember what he been teaching them.  The disciples were eye witnesses of Jesus’ life and teachings, and the Holy Spirit helped them remember without taking away their individual perspectives.  The Holy Spirit can help us in the same way.  As we study the Bible, we can trust him to plant truth in our mind, convince us of God’s will, and remind us when we stray from it.

The end result of the Holy Spirit’s work in our lives is deep and lasting peace.  With Christ’s peace, we have no need to fear the present or the future, sin, fear, uncertainty, doubt, and numerous other forces and offer comfort in place of conflict.  Jesus says he will give us that peace if we are willing to accept it from him.  If your life is full of stress, allow the Holy Spirit to fill you with Christ’s peace.”

~ Life Application Study Bible

Friday, July 16, 2021

The Truth That Sets Us Free

 “You shall know the truth,
and the truth will set you free.”
John 8:32

“The closer you live to Jesus, the freer you can be.  By spending time with Jesus, your awareness of Jesus’ presence grows deeper and stronger.  Jesus’ healing presence binds up wounds from your past so that they stop bleeding.  In His Holy Light you can see things from a new perspective - freeing you from old unhelpful ways of thinking.  As you lay down baggage from your past, you grow increasingly free.

Jesus helps you face the truth about yourself and the people in your life.  If you’re involved in hurtful relationships, He will help you change them or break free.  If you’re trapped in addictions, He will help you take the first step toward freedom.  In every situation the truth will set you free.”

~ Book - “Life with the Holy Spirit” by Katherine Ruonala

    “Let the Sea set You Free!!!”

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Your Identity

 “As you think in your heart, so are you.”
Proverbs 23:7

“No matter how you’ve been feeling in the world around you, the Holy Spirit wants to show you that that you’re adored, you’re accepted, you belong, you’re beautiful, and you’re always the apple of His eye.

When you actually start to believe this, things change.  All of us inevitably live out the identity we have for ourselves.  If your identity as a beloved child of God sink into your heart, you will no longer look at other people’s opinions as statements of worth.  You’ll live with an assumption - an absolutely true one - that you are already loved that you are free to love others.  Instead of expecting rejection from others, you’ll be looking for opportunities to share the privilege you’ve been given.  That’s the ministry of the Holy Spirit.  He connects you to the happy place of intimate fellowship.  His fruit not only benefits but also blesses those around us.  It’s absolutely delightful!

~ Book - “Life with the Holy Spirit” by Katherine Ruonala