Friday, July 16, 2021

The Truth That Sets Us Free

 “You shall know the truth,
and the truth will set you free.”
John 8:32

“The closer you live to Jesus, the freer you can be.  By spending time with Jesus, your awareness of Jesus’ presence grows deeper and stronger.  Jesus’ healing presence binds up wounds from your past so that they stop bleeding.  In His Holy Light you can see things from a new perspective - freeing you from old unhelpful ways of thinking.  As you lay down baggage from your past, you grow increasingly free.

Jesus helps you face the truth about yourself and the people in your life.  If you’re involved in hurtful relationships, He will help you change them or break free.  If you’re trapped in addictions, He will help you take the first step toward freedom.  In every situation the truth will set you free.”

~ Book - “Life with the Holy Spirit” by Katherine Ruonala

    “Let the Sea set You Free!!!”

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