Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Your Identity

 “As you think in your heart, so are you.”
Proverbs 23:7

“No matter how you’ve been feeling in the world around you, the Holy Spirit wants to show you that that you’re adored, you’re accepted, you belong, you’re beautiful, and you’re always the apple of His eye.

When you actually start to believe this, things change.  All of us inevitably live out the identity we have for ourselves.  If your identity as a beloved child of God sink into your heart, you will no longer look at other people’s opinions as statements of worth.  You’ll live with an assumption - an absolutely true one - that you are already loved that you are free to love others.  Instead of expecting rejection from others, you’ll be looking for opportunities to share the privilege you’ve been given.  That’s the ministry of the Holy Spirit.  He connects you to the happy place of intimate fellowship.  His fruit not only benefits but also blesses those around us.  It’s absolutely delightful!

~ Book - “Life with the Holy Spirit” by Katherine Ruonala

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