Monday, July 25, 2022

Our Help and Our Shield

 “We wait in hope for the Lord;
he is our help and shield.”
Psalm 33:20

“Because I am your Help, you don’t need to fear your inadequacy.  When the task ahead of you looks daunting, rejoice that I stand ready to assist you.  Openly acknowledge your insufficiency, trust in My infinite sufficiency.  You and I together can accomplish anything, as long as it is My will.  

You definitely need Me as your Shield.  I protect you from many dangers - physical, emotional, and spiritual.  Sometimes you’re aware of My protective work on your behalf, but I also shield you from perils you never even suspect.  Find comfort in this assurance of My powerful Presence watching over you.  Fear no evil, for I am with you.”

~ Jesus Always by Sarah Young

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