Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Why Read The Bible

 “May the Lord direct your hearts
to the love of God and to the steadfastness of Christ.”
2 Thessalonians 3:5

“I believe the first and most important reason to read the Bible is to have a relationship with God.  We should read the Bible because it comes directly from God.  It is God-breathed, God-spoken, God-inspired. Yes the Bible is written by men, but they were inspired by God to write every word.

God’s word is alive and active.  This means that it’s always relevant and always applies to any situation.  God can speak directly to whatever situation we are facing through the words of the Bible.

The Bible is also an essential tool for teaching, training and correcting us.  It teaches us right from wrong and shows us areas in our lives where we need some adjusting.  God’s word cleanses us, sanctifies us, and purifies us.

When we read the Bible and meditate on scripture, we are promised blessings and prosperity.”

~ HappyHealthierProperous.com

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