Friday, October 11, 2024

Our Need For The Holy Spirit

 “But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the
Father will send in my name, will teach 
you all things and remind you of everything
I have said to you.”
John 14:26

Almost twenty years ago, I knelt down next to my bed and prayed for more of the Holy Spirit.

I prayed for my ears to hear Him as my friend heard Him. If the Lord had more of Himself to give me, more gifts of the Holy Spirit, despite my fears, I wanted more. I knew people who walked with confidence and power in their faith. I wanted that, and from what I could tell, their confidence came from intimacy with the Spirit of God.

On that day, as I prayed fervently, I felt my ears begin to burn. I’m not sure it was answer to prayer or the intensity in which I prayed. But I knew this, as soon as I said, “Amen!” and got up from my knees, I noticed a direction from a voice within.

“Go get the clothes out of the dryer.”

I was a little disappointed. Was that my thought or God’s?

He Can Organize Your Day

It wasn’t anything grand, but I took that thought as His order, and that’s how I began my walk with the Holy Spirit. I began living a conversation with God, and no matter how trivial the instruction, I followed through (most of the time). I knew He was in the small details of my life as well as the big if I paid attention.

When I began to do this I discovered my day was better organized as I listened for cues and nudges from the divine. (Smile.) Practicing His Presence helped me hear His voice better. Now, I walk with confidence of His leading. But it took daily practice and trust. It took Faith.

We need the Holy Spirit.

The other day, I was reading through my One Year Bible, which is a great way to read the Bible through the year because you read a section of the Old Testament, New Testament, Psalms, and Proverbs.  Anyway, on that day I was finishing 2 Corinthians. I loved Paul’s closing. I know I’ve read it before, but this time it really jumped out to me. Not very many scriptures involve all three persons of God.

“May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spiritbe with you all” (2 Cor. 13:14.)

Isn’t it beautiful?

How differently would we walk this journey if we did so fully aware of the grace of Jesus, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit?


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