Sunday, September 22, 2019

Positive Thinking

“Fix our thoughts on what is true and good and right.”
Philippians 4:18 TLB

“Thoughts - optimistics, pessimistic and everything in between - flit through our minds all day long.  And they affect everything about us, from our emotions to our health.  The contents of your thoughts matters a lot.  Our thoughts can limit who we are and what we become, or they can prompt us forward in our lives.  Our thoughts influence our character, shape our attitudes, determines our behaviors, affect our spirituality, and even influence the immune system.  Your thinking determines whether you will be happy or sad most of the time.

“Our Creator designed us so that our thoughts have every aspect of our life.  Positive thoughts bring about positive effects.   Negative thoughts take everything - from attitude to health - in the opposite direction.”

“A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit
dries up the bones.”  Proverbs 17:22

“Scriptural teaching about our thoughts is not just informative; it’s encouraging - and potentially life-changing.  Memorizing and dwelling upon scripture can help bring order to your thought life and, as a result, improve your relationships, health, and happiness!”

                              “What happened in your life today because of what you thought?”

Excerpted from “A Better Way to Think” by H. Norman Wright

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