Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Seek God First

Why should you seek God first in all you do? 
God created you and wants to help you (Is 43:1-2)
God loves you more than anyone else ever will (Ps 103:11)
God always wants what’s best for you (Jeremiah 29:11)
God knows all and sees all
God sees the end from the beginning (Isaiah 46:10)
God sees the big picture (Job 28:24)
God is for us – God is on your side!

So please, remember to seek God first in all things. Ask God for wisdom, and He will direct you. Ask God for guidance and peace of mind, and be strong in the Lord. God can even direct you to ask the right person or the right resource for your particular situation, so you can ask the right questions, and wisely and carefully consider all of the information you have available to you. Then By God’s grace, you can make the right decisions, trusting God for the best because you know that God is for us, and that God is with us always. Amen. 


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