Friday, May 31, 2024

The Power Of Thinking

 “You will keep in perfect peace
those whose minds are steadfast,
because they trust in you.”
Isaiah 26:3

Did you know that thoughts can actually make you more anxious, happy, fearful, or content? And what you spend time thinking about has the power to affect your emotions, your actions, and ultimately, your character? Your thoughts are some of the most powerful things about you. 

Scripture has a lot to say about our thoughts because God knows the power of our minds. Isaiah 26:3 says that God will keep our hearts in perfect peace if we keep our minds fixed on Him. 

Can you imagine that? Perfect peace. 

The more time we spend focusing our thoughts on God and His Word, the more our hearts will be kept in peace. That is a powerful thought, especially in a world that is constantly looking for peace and unity. 

The starting point for this peace is trusting God. We must come to Him trusting in who He is, and having faith in what He has done for us. We know that God is good and just. So if we have faith in Him, we know that we are accepted and loved by Him. And those who trust in God are given access to Him and His presence.

Perfect peace is available to those who consistently trust in God, and fix their thoughts on Him. 

How many of your thoughts are spent on things relating to God? Do you keep your mind focused on Him when you’re feeling anxious or stressed? What are some simple ways you can continue to remind yourself to think about God throughout your day? 

Spend some time thinking about the power of your own thoughts and the access you’ve been given to God through Scripture. Commit to building the habit of centering your thoughts on God so that you can know Him more and experience His perfect peace.

~ The Bible App

Sunday, May 26, 2024

God Protects You

 “For he will order his angels to 
protect you wherever you go.  They will
hold you up in their hands so you won’t 
hurt your foot on a stone.”
Psalms 91:11-12

God has commanded angels to guard you. God has given angels, not your circumstance, not your situation, the authority to act on your behalf.

God is your refuge and strength. He is your protection and he has commanded angels to come to your aid. 

Be encouraged! 

As you pray and read Psalm 91 today, proclaim God’s promise that He will send His angels to guard and protect you – to minister to all your needs.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

God Is Gracious

 “The Lord is gracious and compassionate,
slow to anger and rich in love.
the Lord is good to all;
he has compassion on all he has made.”
Psalm 145:8-9

Psalm 145 is a psalm in which David explicitly gives five distinct characteristics of God, and they all begin with the letter "G."

  • God's greatness
  • God's goodness
  • God's glory
  • God's guarantee
  • God's grace

All of these G's should give us peace daily and eternal hope.

Friday, May 17, 2024

Look To The Lord

 “Look to the Lord and his
strength; seek his face always.”
1 Chronicles 16:11

“No matter how many times you cry out to God for strength He will be there. He hears you every single time. Don’t give up, don’t stop seeking the Lord. Don’t let anything keep you from seeking His face. God will give you the strength you need to get through anything. No matter what you face He is by your side and He will never leave you. If your soul is weary, if you’re going through troubled waters, if you’re facing temptations, whatever trials you are going through pour your heart out to God because He promises not only to give you strength but to be your strength.”     

~ the

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

The Holy Spirit’s Nudge

 “And God has given us his 
Spirit is proof that we live in him 
and he in us.”
John 4:13

The nudge often comes ever so gently. Something is pricking your spirit. It’s God’s way of elbowing you to get your attention. It’s Him saying, “Hey, I want you to do something for me; I want you to join me in working in a mighty way.” Someone needs to be contacted. The phone call needs to be made, a card needs to be sent, or you need to stop and pray for a certain person or just simple reminders that can all-too-easily be dismissed. We need only pay attention to the Holy Spirit’s nudge and as we act on it, God’s business is performed through us and because of us. But the choice is ours – will we respond or will we ignore it and go about our day? It’s so easy to shrug off the nudge, isn’t it? Oswald Chambers says, “If there is something upon which God has put His pressure, obey in that matter.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

God Cares About The Small Stuff

 “Don’t worry about anything; instead pray
about everything.  Tell God what you
need, and thank him for all he has done”
Philippians 4:6

“God helps us with so many “inconsequential” things just to keep proving He cares about every detail of our lives.  And I think He does it with a smile every time.

This is the confidence we have in approaching God: if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. He is not beholden to give us everything we ask for, just like parents don’t give their children, whom they love dearly, everything they ask for. Our asks may be met with a holy “yes”, a holy “no”, a holy “wait”, or a holy “I’ve got better planned for you than you even have the capacity to ask for.” Praise You, Jesus.

Bring everything to Him. Lay it all at His feet. Ask for His protective hand to be on every decision, every action, every thought and every word spoken. Nothing is too small (or too big) for God. Just ask.”

~ By Julie Hildebrand

Friday, May 10, 2024

Don’t Give Away Your Joy

 “No one can take your joy from you.”
John 16:22

“Jesus says that no person can take your joy from you. You have to give it away. The next time someone is rude or leaves you out, just smile and stay in peace. When you let someone else determine whether or not you’re going to stay in peace, you’re giving them your power. Make up your mind that you’re not going to let them take your joy. When someone tries to make you feel small, ignore it and move on. You’re not who they say you are; you are who God says you are—His masterpiece, crowned with favor. Be happy despite what they’re doing.

Don’t keep responding the same old way and let people and circumstances determine your mood, your peace, or your joy. You can’t control what comes your way, but you can control how you respond. If you’re going to reach your destiny, you have to prove to God that you’ll stay on the high road. Do the right thing when it’s hard, and God will take you to levels you’ve never imagined.”

~ Joel Osteen

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

God’s Gifts

 “Every good and perfect gift
is from above.”
James 1:17

Have you ever taken a moment to marvel at the abundance of blessings in your life? The air you breathe, the sun that warms your face, and the love of family and friends are all tremendous gifts. Everything we enjoy has been freely bestowed on us by a loving Creator who doesn’t ever change—who never gives us cause for doubt or uncertainty.

Our lives, on the other hand, are constantly shifting, and we will find pleasant times interspersed with periods of hardship and sadness. Thankfully, we can always rely upon our God, whose good gifts are meant to remind us of His unchanging nature. Even when we face pain and adversity, we can look for the Father’s love and mercy in our life, recognizing each breath we take, each relationship we enjoy, and each sunrise we witness as evidence of His presence.

God’s gifts are perfect and precisely designed to sustain us in a way that fills our soul. Let’s receive them with a heart full of gratitude and speak of them as a way of testifying to His love.

~ In Touch Ministries