Wednesday, May 15, 2024

The Holy Spirit’s Nudge

 “And God has given us his 
Spirit is proof that we live in him 
and he in us.”
John 4:13

The nudge often comes ever so gently. Something is pricking your spirit. It’s God’s way of elbowing you to get your attention. It’s Him saying, “Hey, I want you to do something for me; I want you to join me in working in a mighty way.” Someone needs to be contacted. The phone call needs to be made, a card needs to be sent, or you need to stop and pray for a certain person or just simple reminders that can all-too-easily be dismissed. We need only pay attention to the Holy Spirit’s nudge and as we act on it, God’s business is performed through us and because of us. But the choice is ours – will we respond or will we ignore it and go about our day? It’s so easy to shrug off the nudge, isn’t it? Oswald Chambers says, “If there is something upon which God has put His pressure, obey in that matter.

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