Friday, May 10, 2024

Don’t Give Away Your Joy

 “No one can take your joy from you.”
John 16:22

“Jesus says that no person can take your joy from you. You have to give it away. The next time someone is rude or leaves you out, just smile and stay in peace. When you let someone else determine whether or not you’re going to stay in peace, you’re giving them your power. Make up your mind that you’re not going to let them take your joy. When someone tries to make you feel small, ignore it and move on. You’re not who they say you are; you are who God says you are—His masterpiece, crowned with favor. Be happy despite what they’re doing.

Don’t keep responding the same old way and let people and circumstances determine your mood, your peace, or your joy. You can’t control what comes your way, but you can control how you respond. If you’re going to reach your destiny, you have to prove to God that you’ll stay on the high road. Do the right thing when it’s hard, and God will take you to levels you’ve never imagined.”

~ Joel Osteen

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