Wednesday, May 1, 2024

God’s Gifts

 “Every good and perfect gift
is from above.”
James 1:17

Have you ever taken a moment to marvel at the abundance of blessings in your life? The air you breathe, the sun that warms your face, and the love of family and friends are all tremendous gifts. Everything we enjoy has been freely bestowed on us by a loving Creator who doesn’t ever change—who never gives us cause for doubt or uncertainty.

Our lives, on the other hand, are constantly shifting, and we will find pleasant times interspersed with periods of hardship and sadness. Thankfully, we can always rely upon our God, whose good gifts are meant to remind us of His unchanging nature. Even when we face pain and adversity, we can look for the Father’s love and mercy in our life, recognizing each breath we take, each relationship we enjoy, and each sunrise we witness as evidence of His presence.

God’s gifts are perfect and precisely designed to sustain us in a way that fills our soul. Let’s receive them with a heart full of gratitude and speak of them as a way of testifying to His love.

~ In Touch Ministries 

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