Saturday, December 4, 2021

Bear the Cross

 “Whoever wants to be my disciple
must deny themselves and take up the cross
daily and follow me.”
Luke 9:23

“Being Christ’s disciple means putting aside selfish desires, shouldering one’s crosses every day, and following him. 

The cross you bear may have you at a breaking point. The pain is too heavy and you feel crushed under the weight of worry, weakness and the need for relief. You may feel rejected, misunderstood and forgotten, but your Savior Jesus has walked this painful path and He has not forgotten you. It is for you that He suffered, died and rose from the grave, so your broken heart might be healed by His grace, your burden of shame lifted by His love and your feeling of loneliness filled by His precious presence. Invite Jesus and others to bear your burdens. He will.”
~ Life Application Study Bible

“I have always believed that God never gives
a cross to bear larger than we can carry.  No matter what,
he wants us to be happy, not sad, birds sing
after a storm, why shouldn’t we?”
~ Rose Kennedy

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