Sunday, December 5, 2021

God Is With Us

 “The Lord himself goes before you
and will be with you, he will
 never leave you, nor forsake you.
Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”
Deuteronomy 31:8 

Even today, when we face life altering changes in our life, these same words that were once spoken to comfort a people struggling with the changes they were facing, are the  same words God is using to calm our fears and anxieties.  It is always His intention for us to walk in His peace as we walk in Him. 

This verse speaks volumes about God’s heart for us and His determination to help us see Him as He really is.   Not only is He always ahead of us carving out a path we are to travel on, but He is able to walk with us as we go through our intimate trials.  He is telling us that there is no reason to be afraid or discouraged because He’s not going to abandon us.  He has everything under control and all that is going to happen will happen under His watchful eye. 

Whatever storms God is using in our life, it’s for a reason. Sometimes it is to strengthen us or change us or deal with a flaw in us.  Regardless of the reason for the time of suffering, His promise is that He will go through it with us and He will be with us in any and every circumstance; whether hard or easy.  This verse is a declaration of His complete and total willingness to be involved in our life.  God wants us to know Him and His heart. 

He is a God of love and everything He allows or does is because of His love for us.  He has no hidden agenda. 

God is with us and will always be with us every day of our life.

~ all - by Marni Montanez


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