Tuesday, December 21, 2021

God Is Love

“God is love.  Whoever lives in love 
lives in God, and God in them.”
1 John 4:16

“God’s love is the source of all human love”

What does it mean that God is love? How can we know that statement is true and how does God show us that?

1. Love began with God when he created the world and us. Without Him, there would be no love in the world because it came from Him.

2. God's primary nature is to love as shown by His rescue plan for us through His Son Jesus Christ. The cross of Jesus is the greatest demonstration of God's love for us.

3. God's saving work of grace in the heart of the sinner is the true source of love. God sent his Holy Spirit to us to transform us and make us new in love.

4. God's greatest commandment for us is to love the Lord and to love one another. God calls us to be the love in our world that He created us to be.

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