Saturday, December 18, 2021

God With Us

 “The Virgin will conceive and give birth to 
a son, and they will call him
Immanuel which means “God with us”).
Matthew 1:23

Here we explain the meaning of Immanuel in the bible . Although it says in Isaiah 7:14 “you shall call his name Immanuel”, Mary and Joseph did not give their son that name.

Instead, they followed the instructions specifically given to them in Matthew 1:21 (Joseph in a dream) and Luke 1:31 (Mary for the angel Gabriel) to name him Jesus.

As seen in Matthew 1:23, the meaning of Immanuel is “God with us. The promised child received the name of Jesus, but he was also Immanuel, God in the flesh. God became human so that we would know and understand him. through Jesus.

~ anonymous 

“Through the Holy Spirit, Christ is present today in the life of every believer.”

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