Thursday, January 20, 2022

Come To Me

 “Come to me, all of you who are 
weary and burdened and I will give you rest.”
Matthew 11:28

The first thing that Jesus says to us is, “Come to Me…” We are allowed to come to God personally; there is nothing between Him and us.

Second, He is inviting us to come. God wants you, in fact, He wants you so much that Jesus died on the Cross just to prove it. Jesus didn’t have to come to this earth and die, but God’s love is so great, and He wanted us so much that He chose to come.

Let that sink in for a few minutes. Take a moment to consider that. YOU ARE LOVED.

Third, God lets us know who needs rest: it is those who labour and are burdened, but what does that mean? In this context, those who labour means those who are striving to do it all on their own and failing.

I know that in my life when I try to do everything with my own strength alone it does not turn out well. When you are heavy-laden it is like your spirit, mind, will, and emotions can’t function because there is this weight on you that you try to lift by yourself. It causes you to feel down, depressed, anxious, all those negative things that we do not want in life.

So what does God say when we are weary? He will give us rest, and the best thing is He even tells us how and that is by taking His yoke upon us and learning from Him. What is this yoke? Rest for your soul (your mind, will and emotions).

~ By Kim Thompson - Pinder

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