Tuesday, January 4, 2022

You Are Enough

 “... those who seek the Lord lack no good thing.”
Psalm 34:10

“It’s easy to go through life thinking we’re lacking in some area. “If I had a better personality, if I were more confident, if I were more attractive, I could reach my dreams.” But as long as you think you’re at a disadvantage, that you got shortchanged, that you’re not up to par, it’s going to keep you from rising higher. It’s going to limit your life. That’s a deficit mentality. 

Too often we’re looking around at others and comparing, but God is saying, “You don’t need what they have. If you needed it, I would have given it to you. Look inside. You have the talent. You have the confidence. You have the creativity. As long as you trust in Me, you will never lack any good thing.” You’re not at a deficit. You are good enough, you are talented enough, you are smart enough, and you are attractive enough. You have been fearfully and wonderfully made. You need to see yourself as a no-lack person.”

~ Joel Osteen Devotionals

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