Wednesday, January 5, 2022


 “Don’t be troubled. Trust in God.  Trust also in me”.
John 14:1

Although the stresses of daily life can quickly wear on you and make you feel overwhelmed, you're not alone in your struggles. For those who are religious, Bible verses about trusting the Lord can offer guidance, perspective, and a sense of peace at a time when you need it most. These comforting Bible verses can ease your worry, clear your mind, and help you feel better prepared for the days ahead — regardless of what they bring.

Though reading the Bible won’t automatically eliminate the challenges that occur in your life, it can provide the courage and motivation you need to keep going through difficult times. It may take a bit of time for you to become comfortable with giving all of your cares and troubles over to God, but with the right Bible verses — along with implementing other Christian activities in your daily life, such as joining a Bible study group, prayer, and listening to encouraging faith-based podcasts — letting go and giving them to God can become easier. Trusting God with everything, including the unfortunate and uncomfortable instances in our lives, may not appear to have a direct impact on your day-to-day life, but it may make you feel less alone in tough times.

~Woman’s Day

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